Tuesday, October 20, 2009

No Wallabees, Please

When I interned at the Texas State Capitol we had an extremely strict dress code: skirts, panty hose, and dress shoes. The intern manual actually read "dress shoes and boots permitted. No wallabees." What amused me was the fact that they had to specifically excluded wallabees. Clearly, this must have been an issue at one point since they felt the need to single out wallabees.

I was flipping through the latest JCrew catalog last night when I saw wallabees. Not only are they apparently not appropriate for the work place, these shoes look like over grown baby shoes. Men, I would go ahead and exclude this from your fall wardrobe.


  1. Yes, I agree that Wallabees have no place at work. On the other hand, being a personal shopper for J.Crew, I fully disagree. I thinking that these shoes should be a staple for every men's wardrobe this fall. The "Wallabees" and "McAllister boots" carried exclusively by J.Crew are not only comfortable, but keep your feet warm in the cold weather. I being a female want some myself to keep up with the ever popular "boyfriend" style trend.

  2. Classic man shoe, especially in a darker tan suede. I'm siding with J.Crew on this one. And Ralph Lauren, and Burberry, and a whole host of other major fashion labels that have, at some point, donned these classic shoes for a well-established casual look. Anyone who wears these to work, however, is way out of line.... But noting like Dark jeans, Wallabees, and a nice cashmere sweater under an unconstructed casual blazer. Classic fall.


About Me

Washington, DC
They say, "DC has Northern hospitality with a southern pace of progress." The same is true when it comes to fashion: southern style combined with the restrictions of Northern weather and Wall-Street black suit. My goal is to add some color to the mix on the limited budget most young professionals in the District face.