Every year I look forward to the week after Christmas when everyone from MTV to news outlets show their "Year in Review" countdowns. At my last job, I even loved writing the Congressional year in review newsletter. So, it's only natural for me to do my own person "Best of 2009." I dedicate today to music.
#5 "Song of the Week"

Coming in at #5, the inspiration behind my Halloween costume...Miley Cyrus. Once "Party in the USA" debuted, Miley Cyrus fans could come out of the closet because it no longer a guilty pleasure to be hidden. Adult men and women united together and threw up their hands to party in the USA. And every cab driver in America received incessitant requests to make sure a Jay-Z song was on.
# 4 "The muscial 5 hour energy drink"

Lady Gaga is this century's Madonna. She's edgy, her voice is eerily similar and well, she's weird. But if those feathers help her make great music, who am I to criticize. In second behind Britney of course, Pokerface is a song I could dance to for eternity...it doesn't hurt that she mentions Texas.
# 2 "What the whole world waited for"

After Britney's performance at the 2008 MTV Awards, fans and critics learned that you can't force a Britney comeback. So I rejoiced in 2009 when "Womanizer" hit the airwaves. If I could choose only one song to dance to for the rest of my life, this would be it. I think what makes this song is the exact opposite of what makes "Party in the USA" great...while Miley unite over-aged men and women, you'll find very few men excited about singing and dancing to this song--which means for at least a few minutes, girls can enjoy themselves without worrying about the next unsuspecting creeper on the dance floor.
#1 "The album you'll listen to for 20 years"

You'll be hardpressed to turn on the radio and NOT hear Taylor Swift. I don't even have a favorite song. Every one is equally amazing. And I knew it was a true classic when it made it through my new song ritual, aka playing it 50 times in a row, and I still didn't get tired of it.
Great post! You pretty much nailed all of my thoughts on those artists this year too.
ReplyDeleteGREAT list. I'm enjoying most of these. And Gaga is like a fascinating train wreck - you can't look away!